Video series: Introduction to crowdfunding

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When should startups make their first marketing hire?

Rachel Carrell, CEO and founder of nanny share business Koru Kids, says that hiring – particularly the inflexion points you need to bring on different expertise – has been a really big topic in the two-year-old company’s growth. “Inevitably, when people start out it’s always the founder doing everything all the time and the person doing […]

Seedcamp’s expert talks about how to approach investors

Approaching investors can be one of the hardest things for startups to do. We sat down Seedcamp partner Tom Wilson for the latest episode of The Pitch podcast. Tom shared some incredibly useful advice on what they’re looking for in founders, how the process works and how you can approach investors. Seedcamp‘s made 250 investments since […]

The Pitch finalist gets backed by Mark Cuban and grows to 100 employees

The concept of holograms might seem more at home in a Star Trek episode and big-budget stage shows – but one former contestant of The Pitch is making it an affordable reality. HYPERVSN’s (previously known as Kino-mo) distinctive 3D holographic system promises to let companies buy and control advertising in a programmatic way similar to […]

How Pitch finalist Rockit sold 14,000 products in their first six months

Rockit’s sold over ten thousand units, made it to the final of The Pitch and is in the midst of a crowdfunding raise – and it’s only half way through year one. We spoke to the child sleep toy company’s co-founder Matt Dyson about building a distributor network, crowdfunding and IP for The Pitch’s podcast. […]

How jewelry subscription startup Glitzbox’s improved its pricing strategy

Glitzbox‘s unique subscription service delivers designer jewellery for subscribers to try out every month. Subscribers can choose to buy items from the collection or simply return them. Founder Tamsin Ivy was a finalist in The Pitch 2017. We spoke to her about being a solo founder, and how her pricing and marketing strategy has improved. Testing […]

Propel’s technology lead joins The Pitch judging panel

The cloud-based SaaS revolution is levelling the playing field between startups and bigger businesses. A rapidly scaling business can now leverage marketing, finance and communication tools that are incredibly powerful. Propel by Deloitte helps fast-growing businesses use these tools more effectively, providing the advice and financial expertise they need to grow. We’re really excited to […]

Trunki’s founder on coping with adversity and pitching

Starting a business is tough. Building a business to 80 employees, ÂŁ10m in turnover and an international distribution network requires overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Rob Law has faced copyright infringement, the difficulty of being a solo founder and that infamous strap breaking incident on Dragons’ Den during his journey building ride-on suitcase brand Trunki. It’s […]

Creative England’s CFO talks fundraising and where to find government support

Ever wondered what investors are thinking when they hear you talk about your business? What gets them excited? How important is your team and how should you talk about your market? Creative England CFO Mehjabeen Patrick has heard hundreds of founders pitch for funding for their startup and early-stage businesses. We’re really proud to announce she’ll […]

What it’s really like to run a part-time business

Many businesses are started part-time. These entrepreneurs present a positive outlook on the surface, often making it look easy. However, hustling to launch something while holding down a full-time job – and their stress levels – is really difficult. The topic came up when mapping the entrepreneurial journey of YENA founder Ash Phillips. We drew a timeline, […]

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