
Meet our partners

The Pitch wouldn’t be possible without the help of our partners. Working with organisations that share our values and help startups succeed is important to us, and it means that The Pitch stays completely free.


Providing expertise, funding and resources to help startups succeed

Our partners help to make The Pitch happen. We work with organisations that share our values and want to help startups succeed. It means that The Pitch stays completely free – plus you get awesome discounts, free trials and more when you enter.

Headline partners


Tide is about doing what you love. Get a business bank account that’s free, easy to open, and helps you start doing what you love.


The FounderCatalyst platform quickly and professionally creates all of the legal paperwork and helps to manage investor engagement.


Notion’s AI-powered workspace helps startups write, plan, organise and play, which is why millions run on Notion every day.


Inkwell helps leading brands to reach diverse audiences and build meaningful relationships with the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Venue partners

Runway East

Runway East provides flexible, fun office space for teams of 1-100. Based in London, Bristol, Brighton and Birmingham.


CodeBase is the largest technology incubator in the UK and one of the fastest growing in Europe.


Use.Space is a dynamic co-working environment created for individuals, startups and SMEs in Manchester.


Huckletree is on a mission to build workspaces for the UK’s most innovative companies now spanning over 10+ locations with over 4,000 members.

Media partners

Startups Magazine

Startups Magazine is a digital and print magazine that helps tech startups connect the dots on their entrepreneurial journeys.

Business Buzz

Business Buzz is a networking community which started in 2012 with the idea of bringing local business people together over coffee and informal gatherings.


Want to partner with The Pitch?

We’re currently talking to partners about our 2024 programme. If you want to learn more about the process and back the UK’s brightest startups, please contact our programme manager Chris at