Video series: Introduction to crowdfunding


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Interested in crowdfunding? Crowdcube COO Matt Cooper has helped hundreds of businesses raise funding. We spoke to him about what it takes to have a successful crowdfunding round, including creating a marketing plan and filming a great video.

What does it take to execute a great crowdfunding round?

Matt breaks down the key elements of a successful crowdfunding round.


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How to market a crowdfunding campaign

How to plan and execute a successful marketing campaign.


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What to include in a crowdfunding video

Matt’s advice on what to include in the all-important pitch video. Make sure it’s short enough to keep him happy!


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Getting customers involved in crowdfunding

How you can test the viability of an equity fundraise with your existing customers and the role of community in crowdfunding.


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Why enter The Pitch?

Crowdcube is supporting startups in The Pitch with mentoring and advice. Here’s why they’re getting involved and why you should enter.


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Keen to get involved? The winner of The Pitch gets PR and a money-can’t-buy marketing package, the top 100 attend free boot camps to work on their startup and learn about pitching. Find out more and apply here.

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Chris Goodfellow
Chris is founder and CEO of Inkwell, the company that runs The Pitch. He’s a journalist and editor by trade, and his work has been featured by everyone from The Guardian and The Financial Times to Vice magazine.

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