The myth of the lone entrepreneur
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Using social media and content to boost sales
Not that many years ago a small business didn’t necessarily need a website, and social media activity was a rarity. But times change. Today, every small business has a life and presence online – and the potential to leverage social media and produce great content as part of that online engagement is enormous. In fact, […]
Your business plan made simple
Being a small business owner is a busy job, but investing time in business planning is essential for success. Clive Lewis FCA, head of enterprise at ICAEW, outlines the three main reasons for preparing a business plan and the key components to include. Approximately 500,000 new businesses start up in the UK every year. When you […]
What does it mean to be a digitally disruptive startup?
Disruptive: Relating to or noting a new product, service, or idea that radically changes an industry or business strategy, especially by creating a new market and disrupting an existing one. Sound like your business? We hosted a panel session with Matt Rigby from The Pitch 2015 winning business Resolver and Tom Dewhurst from Bath-based Ordable to discuss what being disruptive […]