The Pitch 2024

Get confidence, connections and capital

We help founders raise investment with free advice, investor introductions, mentoring and opportunities to pitch at events across the UK.

Applications are now closed for The Pitch 2024!

Join The Pitch community

Applications for 2024 are now closed but if you want to stay up-to-date on when they re-open then why not join our community? We love to share educational content for founders, as well as exciting event updates and unmissable opportunities from our partners. 

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What you get from competing…
Regional finals
0 k
Watch our events
0 +
Investors per year
0 +
Average investor meetings per founder

Share your story and pitch your way to investment.

What is a pitching competition?

A pitching competition gives founders the chance to share their business idea with a panel of industry experts. Pitches can range from 10 seconds to 10 minutes (at The Pitch, you’ll have 90 seconds), so you need to be clear and concise. 

Prizes in pitching competitions can range from cash to investor introductions or mentoring – but don’t underestimate the value of simply taking part. It’s a powerful way to make new connections, promote your business and practise your pitching skills.

How does the competition work?

The Pitch is open to any startup based in the UK that has been trading for less than four years. 

Our judges choose the top 50 applicants who will then pitch at our regional finals in Glasgow, Manchester, Brighton, Bristol and London. 

Before the event, you’ll have the chance to attend an online pitching workshop where you can practise, receive useful feedback and listen to other pitches.

At the regional final, you’ll give a 90-second pitch to a judging panel of investors and entrepreneurs, who will follow up with questions. You’ll be rated on the following criteria:

  • Idea
  • Proof of traction
  • Team
  • The pitch itself

Our in person events are small and intimate, but you’ll enjoy a wide reach online. Each pitch is added to our leaderboard page and can be watched back at any time. More than 35k people viewed The Pitch events online last year.  

The winner from each regional final will head to The Pitch Final in London. You’ll pitch to a panel of active investors and successful entrepreneurs, who will pick a winner. Then it’s time to grab a drink, network and celebrate!


Why should you apply?

Connect with investors

The Pitch is proud to be able to help startups reach a diverse investor audience with over 30 investors joining us each year.

Receive mentoring and educational sessions to help you maximise the power of your pitch before the big day.

The Pitch events will be livestreamed to an audience over 35,000 people, giving you the opportunity to put your business in front of an array of investors and fellow founders.

Read our FAQs

Still not sure whether to get involved? Take a look at our most frequently asked questions where we’ve outlined some common questions people ask about pitching, the competition process and The Pitch events. If you can’t find the answer to your question here then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – we’re always happy to help!


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